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Our Parish

Our Faith:

As a Catholic school, our mission drives our activities. As a result, students are engaged in daily prayer, religion activities and lessons, and daily reflection on our Catholic faith. Our program provides an opportunity for students to be involved in prayer and other religious activities in conjunction with our Catholic Christian Values.

Some highlights for our students:

  • Weekly mass held on each Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. Parents and community members are welcome to join us. Regular weekly Masses and Holy Days and other special Mass days are held at the Cathedral. 
  • Adoration and silent time spent with our Lord in our school chapel
  • Learning about the Lives of Saints
  • Study of the 10 Commandments, cardinal virtues, Sacraments, Prophets, and our Holy Family
  • Identify and discover God’s love through prayer
  • Studying and making a Rosary
  • Prayer Journals

For more information about our Parish, please visit our parish website

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