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Why St. Mary?

Why a Catholic school? Why St. Mary Cathedral?

A Catholic school is a place where faith and academics meet and grow. It is this strong foundation that creates a well-rounded student. By omitting the faith component, we omit Christ in our intellectual life. By implementing a strong faith-based education, we realize what a Catholic school does. A Catholic school provides each student with a Christian learning environment, a place to learn about the teachings of Christ and develop a personal relationship with Jesus. This promotes kindness, trust, and respect, true components of being a disciple. A Catholic school provides an amazing atmosphere to mold attitudes toward learning. Developing a positive attitude toward academic ethics is a key element to success. This happens when Christ is at the center of education. Christ should be present in everything, especially learning. A Catholic school provides positive teaching to ensure learning and development. Not only do students learn, but they teach others about what they learned. A Catholic school strives to enter into the heart of every student. Having heart will allow students to develop and mature as children of God and this, in turn, reflects outwardly as tough challenges arise. A Catholic school instills an outstanding obvious reflection of who students are and who they are yet to become. A Catholic school instills love; the very foundation of a Catholic school is love, mixed with academics all students flourish. Learning within the presence of love does not feel like learning at all. A Catholic school sets the goal standards high to promote intelligence. A Catholic school offers Christ- and Christ is enough.
Those considering St. Mary’s for their children, please call the office at (989)732-5801.

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